Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Chapter 19: Lesson 1

Loan Chau and Quyen Tu finally arrived. Everyone was there waiting, even Tung Quang!

Quyen Tu: What are you doing here?

Tung Quang: Quynh Nhu told me everything and I wanted to be with you, so I decided to help out!

Quyen Tu: That's great! Thanks for understanding my situation!

Lien Ngoc: Okay! We need to get started! Lesson one! Balance! Today you will learn how to balance your self with heavy weapons and flying around!

Lien Ngoc began teaching the girls and the others followed along. Han Bao and the other teachers helped the others while Lien Ngoc guided Tuyet Thi and Quyen Tu. Tuyet Thi was doing very fine until she went onto flying and jumping on trees. She kept on triping on little twigs and Quyen Tu kept bumping into branches.

Tuyet Thi: Urgh! These twigs are getting on my nerves! Can someone pick them off for me!?!

Quyen Tu: These branches are to big!

Lien Ngoc: No!The twigs are not the problem! You have to look where you plant your feet and Quyen Tu, open your eyes!!!

Quyen Tu and Tuyet Thi was shocked with Lien Ngoc's reply, it was the first time they both have seen her raised her voice. Eventhough she looks shy and is sweet, she have an ugly side! After the day went by, Tuyet Thi and Quyen Tu was able to fly through the trees and jump on them.

Tuyet Thi: Gosh! I am POOF!! I need a break!

Quyen Tu: Yeah! Me two!

Lien Ngoc: You may take a 5 minutes break! And we will go on!

Quyen Tu: WHAT! We can't learn 100 things in one day! We just started!

Lien Ngoc: Hahahha I am just joking! Go home and rest for tomorrow!

Tuyet Thi: Good! My legs hurts! I need something cold!

Quyen Tu: Who knew she so bitchy when it comes to training! She is so sweet to us when we first ment and was like, I will do anything for you!

Tuyet Thi: Yeah! I'm tired lets hit the sack! Night!

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