Huynh Ngoc: What is she doing now!? She gaved me two bitches to follow the girls and now she want to be right next to them!I don't get her @ all!!
Tam Bang: Bitches!?!?Who are you calling a bitch?
Phung Y: Us! She's one herself! Can't do her own dirty work!!
Huynh Ngoc: Why are you two still here!? Your suppose to be following the girls!
Phung Y: Its called stalking! And we are taking a break today!
Huynh Ngoc: I am not paying you two for doing nothing!
Tam Bang: Your not paying us NOTHING! And Tien Thuy is with them, so there's no point!!
Huynh Ngoc: Urghhh!
Tam Bang and Phung Y left Huynh Ngoc when they saw Huynh Tuan coming in.
Tam Bang: He's so sexy!
Phung Y: Your not his type! Your so ugly! I am his type!
Tam Bang: Ugly!?!? You....
Huynh Tuan: Hello ladies!
Tam Bang and Phung Y said their hellos and ran away blushing!
Huynh Tuan: Good morning mother!
Huynh Ngoc: Good morning! Where are you going today?
Huynh Tuan: I am going to go out again!
Huynh Ngoc: With that girl!?
Huynh Tuan was shocked, he never told his mother about Tuyet Thi ever!
Huynh Ngoc: I ment a girl!?
Huynh Tuan: Yeah! I guess..
Huynh Ngoc: Bring her home I want to see her!
Huynh Tuan left and went to get Tuyet Thi. While walking out, Tam Bang and Phung Y went back inside to Huynh Ngoc. Huynh Tuan felt that something is going on! That doesn't seem right @ all! He was thinking about how his mother know he have a girlfriend or was it a random guess? Huynh Tuan left the question "unknown."
Tam Bang: Anything to do for you mam!?
Phung Y: You mean you majesty!
Huynh Ngoc: Follow my son!
Quynh Nhu and Doan Tam's Shop:
Tien Cat: Wow! Today is a good day! Very crowded equals a raise! Hehheeh
Quynh Nhu: No! Croweded store equals money money!!
Tien Cat: That what I ment!
Doan Tam: Looks whose here Tuyet Thi!?!?
Tuyet Thi: Who!?
Huynh Tuan: ME!
Tuyet Thi: What are you doing here!? I told you I am busy today!
Huynh Tuan: I know! I can see! My mother want to see you!
Tuyet Thi: See me!?!?
Tien Cat: I think I hear .....
Quynh Nhu: Go greet the two young ladies!
Tien Cat: Hello ladies! Welcome to our shop! I haven't seen you two around here before!
Tam Bang: Hello! We are new here! I am looking for moon cakes!
Phung Y: Moon cakes!?!? We are on a ...
Tien Cat: We have them! Its over there! Just came out, so becareful!
Huynh Tuan: Those to look familiar! Its the two ladies @ my...
When Tam Bang and Phung Y heard Huynh Tuan about to say their names they left the store without paying the moon cakes!!
Tien Cat: Hey you two! You didnt pay! COME BACK HERE!! Those bitches!!
Tuyet Thi: What were you saying?
Huynh Tuan: Urh.. Nothing, lets go see my mother!
Quynh Nhu: Here give this to his mother!
Tuyet Thi: Thanks!
On the way to see Huynh Tuan's mother, Tuyet Thi felt like someone was following them.
Tuyet Thi: I think someone is following us!
Huynh Tuan: it's your imagination!
Tuyet Thi: Hey! Wasn't those girls who stole the moon cakes!?
Huynh Tuan: Where!
Tuyet Thi: Over....Huh!
Huynh Tuan: I don't see them!
Tuyet Thi: I swear I saw them!!
The two of them arrived @ Huynh Tuan's home! Huynh Tuan just remembered that he didn't tell Tuyet Thi that he was rich and is a prince! Tuyet Thi didn't say anything to him until they went inside and was greeted by the doorman.
Huynh Tuan: I didn't tell you!
Tuyet Thi: NO!!I taught this was your mother's house, not yours!!
Huynh Tuan: Urhh.. Sorry I forgot to tell you! It slipt out of my mind!
Tuyet Thi: When were you going to ....
Tuyet Thi saw the two girls to the right of eyes trying to hide from them.
Tuyet Thi: We'll talk about this later! I just saw those girls passing by us! They went that way!!
Huynh Tuan lead Tuyet Thi to where she saw the girls go and end up where his mother's room was. Huynh Tuan opened the door and the two entered into the room!
Huynh Ngoc: Hello! Whose is this Huynh Tuan!?
Huynh Tuan: This is Tuyet Thi!
Huynh Ngoc: Hello Tuyet Thi! I am Huynh Ngoc! And you have a beautiful name for a beautiful face!
Tuyet Thi: Hello mam! Thankyou for your wonder compliment!Oh my mother told me to give you this basket of fruits!
Huynh Ngoc: Thankyou! Tell your mother I said thankyou also!
Tuyet Thi: Umm.... did you see two girls coming in here? B/c they stoled moon cakes from my mother's shop! And I think they were following us!
Huynh Ngoc: Sorry! If I do, I'll get them for you! Thankyou for coming, you may go now!
Huynh Tuan: But?...
Huynh Ngoc: It's getting late, you should bring her back home!
Tuyet Thi: Bye!?!?
Tuyet Thi and Huynh Tuan was confusd of why his mother just wanted to see Tuyet Thi for a little bit and let her go! Tuyet Thi started questioning the unknowns, but couldn't figure anything out.